Dental Chairs:A Quick Guide to Learn More Types and Advancements

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A dental chair is an important piece of medical equipment essential to dental practices. As its name implies, it is designed solely for one purpose— comfort. It provides comfort to patients during a dental procedure and convenience to dental caregivers. The dental chair must, however, be built with certain features and technologies, such as x-ray viewer, control panel, and chair position adjustment to perform its primary function— providing comfort and convenience to patients and caregivers.

Dental Chair Supplier

It is, however, a challenging task to spot a premium quality dental chair because of the countless brands you will find in the market. This article will, however, enlighten you on the dental chairs buying guides. Therefore, your dream of finding the best dental chair to meet your medical facility needs will be made a reality if you continue to read this article.

What Are Dental Chairs?

Dental chairs, as the term implies, are chairs primarily designed to provide comforts to patients during a dental procedure. These medical devices— dental chairs— provide patients comfort by supporting their bodies. They can also be called other names, such as portable dental chairs and dentist chairs anywhere globally.

These pieces of medical equipment also come with advanced features and technologies to make the dental procedure convenient to the dentist. Therefore, dental chairs are essential to dental procedures, and their importance can not be invalidated. The function they perform physically and psychologically places them in a significant and unalterable position in dental practices.

What Is The Difference Between A Dental Unit And A Dental Chair?

When it comes to dental, medical equipment, the commonest mistake people make is calling a dental chair a dental unit. Meanwhile, they are not synonymous with one another but widely differ in all ramifications. A dental chair is among the components that make up a dental unit.

What is a dental unit? A dental unit consists of various medical equipment and accessories collectively used during dental procedures. The pieces of equipment that make up a dental unit may vary from one to another, but there are standards. The standard dental units usually consist of aspiration equipment and an instrument holder with other accessories essential for dental procedures. These include handpieces, scales, and air guns.

Meanwhile, the dental chair is an essential part of the dental unit. The consultation takes place in these dental chairs. These chairs provide comfort to patients and make the dental procedure convenient for caregivers. The convenience they offer stems from the features they come with; dental chairs can be adjusted in height and seat inclination.

Furthermore, other components make up a dental unit aside from dental chairs. These components include the scialytic lamp, aspiration tool, spittoon, and pedal.

Types Of Dental Chairs

Although there are various brands of dental chairs available, they are all segmented into two types; hydraulic dental chairs and electromechanical dental chairs. Although these two types of dental chairs serve similar purposes, they feature different technologies to perform their main functions.

Hydraulic Dental Chairs

Hydraulic dental chairs are the commonest type of dental chair you will find in today's market. They work on a fluid movement technology to perform their primary function. The pump and valve help in the circulation of hydraulic liquid, which is the primary source of a dental chair's operation, such as positioning.

Hydraulic dental chairs feature a control scheme like a lever and buttons for the easy operation of the chairs. Although hydraulic chairs come with other benefits like the carrying of broad weight, the easy-to-control features it comes with are the primary benefit of hydraulic chairs. Therefore, the accelerating, decelerating, starting, and stopping of these hydraulic dental chairs are easy and straightforward.

Electromechanical Dental Chairs

Electromechanical dental chairs, also known as electronic dental chairs, operate on motors rather than pumps and valves to control the chair's movement. They come with two different motors, one of which helps lift the chair, while the other reclines the chair depending on the dental procedure without altering the patient's comfort.

Electronic dental chairs come with preprogrammed settings that eliminate manual adjustment and allow dentists to readjust and reposition the chair accurately. The high level of convenience and accuracy provided by electronic dental chairs would make you think they are expensive, but they are more affordable than a hydraulic dental chair.

Parts Of A Typical Dental Chair

A dental chair is essential in providing patients with comfort and support during a dental procedure. Meanwhile, the comfort and convenience of a dental chair stem from the components or parts it features. The components or parts of a dental chair include dental chair control, spittoon bowl, dental light, x-ray viewer, bracket table, cup holder, and air-water syringe. These parts or components of a dental chair are fashioned to provide comforts, functionality, and convenience to the patients and dentist.

The Uses Or Applications Of Dental chairs

The primary purpose of a dental chair is to provide comfort and convenience to the patient, dentists, and the overall dental procedure.

What To Look For When Buying Dental Chairs?

  • Ensuring Comfort And Stability

The primary purpose of a dental chair is to provide comfort to patients. Hence, you must focus on the dental chair and its features to ensure what you're buying won't cause stress rather than comfort to patients and dentists. The dental chair must be designed in such a way that it can hold any bodyweight comfortably in a sitting or reclined position during a dental procedure.

  • Functionality and Features

An essential dental unit is a dental chair. The dental chair determines how the dental procedure will go, and this depends on the features it comes with; they must be complete. The various features of a dental chair include an x-ray viewer, spittoon bowl, dental chair controller, cup holder, and air-water syringe. These features impact the primary function of a dental chair; hence, ensure your choice of the dental chair has these features. Aside from the comfort and convenience provided by dental chairs, they provide functionality, which is the backbone of a dental chair. It also determines the convenience and speed of any dental procedure.

  • Chair Position Adjustment

The dentist usually changes the position of the dental chair during a dental procedure for successful treatment. It is essential to purchase a dental chair with adjustment technology because it functions in positioning the patient in a manner that will give the dentist access and visibility to the patient's oral cavity. It is also advisable to purchase a dental chair with control panels. The control panel enables the dentist to adjust the dental chair position, lifting speed, lowering speed, and also give the dentist access to the operatory accessories. Furthermore, it is important to check this feature— adjustable chair— because a slight change in height or recline of the dental chair can have a positive or negative impact on the success of the dental procedure.

  • Programmable Memory Settings for Various Seat Positions

As said earlier, there are two main types of dental chairs; hydraulic and electromechanical dental chairs. They both differ in the properties and features they offer, but the main difference is seen in the technology they operate. Hydraulic dental chairs operate on the pump and valve technology, while electronic dental chairs operate motors and come with pre-programmed settings. Electronic dental chairs come with two motors; one helps in the lifting of the chair, while the other reclines the chair.

  • Foot control – similar to a joystick

The latest foot control you will find in dental chairs consists of two pedals, each containing actuator. The two pedals are assigned two colors to help identify their specific functions; one of the pedals controls the rotor, and the other controls the electric motor handpiece. These foot controls also feature a joystick which can be used d to change the position of the chair in four different directions; up, down, front, and back. This factor, foot control, is one of the significant factors that contribute to the convenience dental chairs offer.

  • Operatory Configurations

There are two types of dental chairs, and they have different operatory configurations. If you want the type that produces less noise, you can go for the most popular type— hydraulic dental chairs. You can, however, purchase electronic dental chairs, which are gaining popularity for the high level of accuracy and convenience they provide.

  • Other Dental Clinic Equipment Besides Chairs

The dental chair features various components that contribute to the functionality of the medical device. You should ensure your choice of the dental chair comes with these components— stool, carts, and cabinets— to benefit from the comfort and convenience it offers.

  • Overall Chair Design

Firstly, the appealing appearance of the dental chair you desire does not impact its functionality. Hence, you should not take the aesthetic property of a dental chair ad a top priority. But, the visual appearance of the dental chair will have an impact on the patient's attitude towards their dental procedure. Therefore, you should not take appearance over quality but never purchase ugly medical equipment because of the effects it has on patients' attitudes towards dental procedures.

  • Headrest/Backrest

The headrest and backrest of dental chairs play a significant role in the level of comfort the patients will get. The backrest must, however, be wide enough a patient has adequate back support during dental treatment. It should also be slim enough for the dentist to get closer to the working area without hindering movement, visibility, and accessibility.

  • Budget

It is important to consider the price of a dental chair because it determines if you will be buying it or not. Although it is essential, you should not place it over quality; else you won't get the functionality you seek. It is always advisable to purchase high-quality dental chairs at once rather than buying a new one every year, which is not cost-effective.

  • Brands

You will find various brands of dental chairs in the market, but they all still fall into two categories; hydraulic and electromechanical dental chairs. You should, however, consider the certification of the manufacturer before purchasing their product to avoid "had I known" cases.

  • Warranty

While considering the manufacturer's product to purchase, check their warranty policy. Make sure they offer at least five years warranty before purchasing their products.

  • Payment Options

Various payment options depend on where you purchase your dental chair from, but only a few offer all the payment options. offers product and hospital project financing to meet your need without tearing your convenience.

Dental chairs Price Guide

Dental chairs brands and their prices:

* Midmark Ultratrim® Dental Chair is a hydraulic type of dental chair—a hydraulic cantilever system. It features an automatic armrest and double articulating headrest for maximum comfort. It also features a Programmable foot-switch control and an adjustable chair for comforts, convenience, and functionality.

* A-dec 500 Dental Chair is an ergonomic baseplate dental chair design. It features a double-articulating, gliding headrest and thin, flexible backrest to provide patients with comfort during a dental procedure. It also comes with other dental accessories, such as dental light, cuspidor, and monitor mounts.

* Linda Next: an electromechanical dental chair with a fixed and portable configuration. It is designed with features that make them suitable for various dental procedures, such as oral surgery, orthodontics, and dental radiography. It also features a wide range of accessories that contributes significantly to the functionality, comfort, and convenience it offers.

* Tecnodent Electromechanical Dental Chair 2009: as the name implies, is an electromechanical type of dental chair with a fixed configuration. It comes with several features, such as compressed backrest tilting and joystick on the base, making it suitable for oral surgery and orthodontics.

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If you are still searching for a reliable vendor to purchase dental chairs in bulk, you should cinder working with We are famous for offering premium pieces of medical equipment at the lowest price you will ever find in the market. Furthermore, we also provide our customers with various financing options absent in many places, including product and hospital project financing to meet our customers' different needs.


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