How to Choose Your Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine?

Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine

Find the Most Suitable Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine Right Now!

You might have seen it at a physiotherapist; you might have asked your friend about its existence in their home; you might have read about it in some online journal. But that was from long ago, and now you are wondering what a physiotherapy ultrasound machine does. Because pain is finally getting you, or well, whatever the reason may be, at least you have landed on the right page. For today, ultrasound therapy machines are all we will discuss in this brief

What Is Ultrasound Therapy?

Ultrasound therapy is one of the most popular non-invasive treatment methods for improving blood circulation and tissue healing, thereby relieving pain effectively. It is also known as therapeutic ultrasound or focused ultrasound. This pain treatment is supervised and administered by professionals with experience in pain management and mobility improvement. Physical therapists are your go-to guy for this purpose. However, occupational therapists can also help with such services. The technique involves deep heating of the tissues, eventually translating into pain alleviation. Furthermore, ultrasound therapy also finds many users in treating other pain-associated challenges, such as kidney stones.

Types of Ultrasound Therapy

Before you go to a therapist for an ultrasound therapy session, you must know that there is more than one type of ultrasound therapy. In the following lines, we will talk about two different types of therapeutic ultrasound procedures. These are thermal ultrasound therapy and mechanical ultrasound therapy.

Thermal Ultrasound Therapy

First things first, the idea behind thermal ultrasound therapy is to get the skin and muscles moving and vibrating. This is achieved by the wand, which heats the tissues and fibrils. Hence, the technique effectively treats stretch pain, pain in the soft tissues, and certain other musculoskeletal problems. However, this is not the only use that thermal ultrasound therapy has. It is also employed for treating much more complicated issues such as dermatological complications, prostate cancer, and uterine fibroids.

Mechanical Ultrasound Therapy

Mechanical ultrasound therapy is also known as cavitation ultrasound therapy. The name makes perfect sense since the technique creates pressure differences in the tissue fluids. Once these pressure differences are formed in the tissue fluids, bubbles are formed. The interaction of these bubbles with the solid objects leads to their bursting and the creation of shockwaves. These shockwaves are then used for treating multiple health problems. One of the most important examples of mechanical ultrasound therapy is the use of shockwaves to break stones in the kidney, thereby facilitating their removal from the organs.

What is the Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine?

Now, let us look closely at the apparatus used to perform physical ultrasound therapy. It is one of clinicians' most commonly used devices to provide physical therapy.


Since the 1940s, physiotherapy ultrasound machines have been a perfect way of relieving patients suffering from different pains, especially musculoskeletal ones. In a physiotherapeutic ultrasound unit, ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe. This probe is placed in direct contact with the subject's skin. A transmission coupling gel is applied to facilitate this transmission. The physiotherapist or the professional providing the service makes adjustments in the frequency power and other certain metrics.


Here is a summary of the many applications of the physiotherapy ultrasound machine:

  • The method is extremely effective when it comes to pain management.
  • Physiotherapeutic ultrasound treatment can improve a person's range of motion and movement, facilitating a better overall composure.
  • The technique is an effective tool for accelerating cellular repair mechanisms and the healing process for certain musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Acoustic hemostasis is another application and indicator of this therapy technique's effectiveness.
  • The next time you see the term shockwave lithotripsy, you know how it works. Ultrasound therapeutic techniques are also useful for drug delivery, an aspect that we will not discuss in detail in this brief.


Now, let us talk about the benefits of this physiotherapeutic ultrasound treatment. Ultrasound physical therapy has multiple advantages to offer. However, realizing these advantages is almost impossible if you haven't undergone conventional physiotherapeutic procedures. For the sake of convenience, we are going to bullet these benefits:

  • Perhaps, the most useful aspect of ultrasound physical therapy is that the procedure is completely painless. You do not feel anything whatsoever when undergoing this therapy. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about some other physical therapy techniques, some being borderline excruciating.
  • This is one of the easiest therapy techniques that you will ever perform. You don't need to be given any anesthetics to undergo this process. It's fun to see what's happening around you since you will be up during the entire physical therapy process.
  • Apart from the fact that this is a painless procedure, there are no harmful effects associated with this physical therapy technique. Of course, it will be possible only when your therapist performs the therapy one hundred percent by the book and gets the job done efficiently.
  • We also love that this isn't about just healing one organ, tissue, or body part. Rather, this technique can eliminate body pain in most areas of the human body.
  • Some treatments are invasive by nature. In contrast, ultrasound physical therapy is a better option since it is very effective and, more importantly, non-invasive. Hence, we say with complete authority that it is one of the safer treatment options available to you.

As you might have noticed while reading these lines, we have used certain terms in interchangeable ways. That is because certain other names also know the physiotherapy ultrasound machine. Some of these names are ultrasound therapy machine, therapeutic ultrasound machine, ultrasound massaging machine, ultrasonic therapy machine, and a few slang. However, clinicians and physiotherapists often refer to this apparatus as a physiotherapy ultrasound machine.

How Does the Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine Works?

If performed properly, physiotherapeutic ultrasound treatment offers several advantages to the person undergoing the process. It is believed that this physical therapeutic ultrasound can increase the healing rates considerably. Tissue relaxation is extremely important in this context, and the technique serves as a good accelerator. As we mentioned earlier, tissue healing and improvement in the local blood circulation are interlinked factors. That physiotherapeutic ultrasound treatment ensures that there is a visible improvement in both of these factors. The increase in the local blood flow eventually translates into a reduction of local swelling and helps with chronic inflammation. Also, this therapeutic technique can accelerate the fracture healing process if a person has been suffering from bone fracture(s).

Furthermore, this therapeutic technique is also very helpful in scar tissue breakdown. The power density is measured in what percent a meter squared; a higher power density is applied to break down scar tissue. As you can see, this technique has a certain number of benefits for different health problems. Hence, it finds an application in several pain-associated diseases and disorders.

Things to Consider Before Buying Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine


Usually, most of the units of this nature are available in two popular frequencies. These are 1 and 3. However, you will also come across units that offer a very different range.

Adjustability and Portability

Design is one of the most important considerations for any customer buying physiotherapeutic ultrasound units. Ergonomic nature and weight are extremely factors in this context.

Ultrasound Gel

It is best to seek a professional's opinion when purchasing a physiotherapy ultrasound machine. Ultrasound gel quality is something that no ordinary customer can determine on their first day of shopping.

Rechargeable Batteries

This is one of the most important factors when purchasing a device of such a nature. You don't want to be running out of charging and left with no solutions when using an ultrasound machine. Hence, make sure you are buying a device with rechargeable batteries.


Warranty is not the strictest criterion that must be in your mind, but opting for products with a warranty is always better. At least you are safe, and the chances of your money being drowned completely become nonexistent.


Whatever your heart says, the final decision will be made by your wallet. Hence, doing comprehensive market research in advance before stepping out into the real or virtual world for shopping ultrasound therapy machines is advisable.

Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine Price Guide

The Chattanooga transport ultrasound therapy machine CT-2782 for $1689
The Sonicator® 740 therapeutic ultrasound unit for $1500-1815
Metron M971 Accusonic machine for $1095
CT-7 Multi-Channel Ultrasonic Drug Permeation Therapy System for $1053
XY-K-CSB-II Ultrasound Therapy for $5439

Wholesale Prices On

In this age and day, you have plenty of options up your sleeve. is one unique online marketplace for all these home-use medical devices, the platform being one of the biggest b2b medical marketplaces. You can find these and many other physiotherapeutic ultrasound treatment devices here!


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