How Much Does a Video Laryngoscope System Cost?

Video Laryngoscope

What is a Video Laryngoscope?

A video laryngoscope is a medical device to visualize the vocal cords during intubation. It consists of a small camera and a light mounted on a handle and attaches to the patient's airway so that the camera can provide a magnified view of the vocal cords. Video laryngoscopes allow for easier and more correct intubation procedures than traditional laryngoscopes, making them an invaluable tool in emergency medicine.

During airway management procedures,video laryngoscopes help healthcare providers visualize the larynx and surrounding structures. These procedures include inserting a breathing tube, performing tracheal intubation, or administering artificial ventilation.

One of the main benefits of using a video laryngoscope is that it allows the healthcare provider to view the larynx without directly touching the patient's throat, which can be particularly useful in emergencies. This can help to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.


The video laryngoscope consists of a handle and a laryngoscope blade, inserted into the patient's mouth and used to lift the tongue and position the sword in front of the larynx. The edge is equipped with a camera, which transmits real-time video to a monitor, allowing the healthcare provider to see the inside of the patient's throat.


Video laryngoscopes can be particularly useful in situations where traditional direct laryngoscopy may be difficult or impossible, such as when a patient has a difficult airway or when direct visualization of the larynx is impaired by blood, vomit, or other secretions. They can also be helpful in situations where the patient cannot cooperate or maintain an open airway, such as in cases of severe trauma, unconsciousness, or agitated behavior.

In addition to their use in airway management, video laryngoscopes can also be used for other procedures involving the larynx, such as removing foreign bodies or biopsying suspicious laryngeal lesions.

Video laryngoscopes have become increasingly common in recent years, as they offer several advantages over traditional laryngoscopy techniques. They can help improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of complications and are an essential tool for a wide range of healthcare professionals working in various settings.

Benefits of the Video Laryngoscope

The video laryngoscope has several advantages over traditional direct laryngoscopy. These include:

•      Greater versatility – The video laryngoscope can be used in various clinical settings and on patients of all ages, including neonates, infants, children, and adults.

•      Enhanced training opportunities – The video laryngoscope allows for visual feedback during intubation, which can be beneficial for training. It can also be used to record and review intubation attempts, providing an opportunity for learning and improvement.

•      Increased comfort for the patient – The video laryngoscope minimizes the need for multiple intubation attempts, which can be uncomfortable and distressing for the patient.

•      Reduced time to intubation – The video laryngoscope allows for faster and more efficient intubation, potentially reducing the time the patient spends without oxygen.

•      Improved patient outcomes – The improved visualization and reduced risk of trauma offered by the video laryngoscope may lead to better patient outcomes. 

Types of Video Laryngoscope

There are several different video laryngoscope systems available on the market, including:

•      GlideScope: The GlideScope uses a small, high-resolution camera and a unique blade design to provide a clear, unobstructed view of the larynx. 

•      Pentax Airway Scope: The Pentax Airway Scope is a lightweight, durable device with a tiny camera and an ergonomically designed handle. It features a patented suction port to help reduce the risk of trauma. 

•      C-MAC: The C-MAC is a portable, battery-powered device with a high-definition camera and an ergonomic handle. It also has a built-in suction port and an LED light source. 

•      McCoy: The McCoy is a user-friendly device that uses a slim, disposable blade and a high-resolution camera to provide a clear view of the airway.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Video Laryngoscope

When purchasing a video laryngoscope system, there are several factors to consider. These include: 

1. Cost of a Video Laryngoscope Handle

The cost of the laryngoscope handle will depend on the type of system and the features it offers. High-end models can be expensive, but some more affordable options are available. 

2. Costs of Disposable and Reusable Laryngoscope Blades

Disposable laryngoscope blades are generally less expensive than reusable blades. However, the cost of disposable blades can add up over time. Reusable blades may be a more cost-effective option in the long run, but they require regular cleaning and sterilization. 

3. Potential Reduction in Patient Costs Through Avoided Complications and Improved Outcomes

Using a video laryngoscope can help reduce the risk of complications and improve patient outcomes. This can result in reduced costs associated with medical complications and hospital stays.

Video Laryngoscope Price Guide

The cost of a video laryngoscope can vary greatly depending on the type and features of the device. Generally, an introductory video laryngoscope can cost around $1,000 to $5,000, while more advanced models can cost upwards of $10,000. Many video laryngoscopes are sold as part of a kit that includes additional components such as disposable blades, batteries, and video recording devices. Depending on the features included, these kits can range from around $2,000 to $15,000. Some manufacturers also offer special pricing for bulk purchases and packages that include multiple video laryngoscopes.

Here is a general price guide for various mainstream brands (subject to change in price and availability)

●  Medtronic:

Standard Video Laryngoscope: $3,000 - $5,000 

Flexible Video Laryngoscope: $6,000 - $8,000 

●  Ambu 

Standard Video Laryngoscope: $2,000 - $4,000 

Flexible Video Laryngoscope: $4,000 - $8,000 

●    Infinium Medical

Standard Video Laryngoscope: $2,000 - $4,000 

Flexible Video Laryngoscope: $4,500 - $6,500 

●    Stryker

Standard Video Laryngoscope: $3,500 - $5,000 

Flexible Video Laryngoscope: $6,000 - $9,000


Hospital Video Laryngoscope AG-HJ002: $2000-$3000

XAHY-002 Video Laryngoscope For Hospital: $1000-$2000

OM-822C Hospital Laparoscopy System, Endoscope Camera System: $15000-$16000

Where To Buy the Best Video Laryngoscope at Wholesale Prices? is a trusted name in wholesale medical supplies, offering quality products at discounted prices. They have a wide selection of video laryngoscopes, ranging from essential to advanced models. They are competitively priced, making them an ideal choice for healthcare professionals looking to purchase video laryngoscopes at wholesale prices.


The cost of a video laryngoscope system also depends on the provider. Some providers may offer a discounted price on their plan if purchased through their company, while others may provide a discount if multiple systems are purchased. Additionally, many providers offer financing options, allowing healthcare providers to buy the system without cash upfront.

The cost of operating the system should also be taken into account. For example, the cost of disposable blades, replacement parts, and maintenance over the system's life can add significant expenses to the total cost. Furthermore, updates to the system may be necessary to keep up with changes in technology and patient care requirements. These upgrades can also add to the cost.

Finally, the cost of training staff to use the system should be considered. Providing staff with the necessary instruction to properly use the system will enhance patient safety and outcomes. For healthcare providers unfamiliar with video laryngoscopy, investing in both training and the system may be cost-effective. 

In conclusion, video laryngoscopy systems are cost-effective ways to reduce patient complications and improve outcomes. The cost of a video laryngoscope system varies depending on the type of system, the features it offers, and the type of laryngoscope blade used. In addition to the cost of the system, the cost of disposable blades, replacement parts, maintenance, and training should also be factored into the purchase decision. Making an informed decision will ensure the healthcare provider gets the best value for their investment.


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