30 Units of Autoclave Machines for Bolivia


30 units of autoclaves were already packed to ship to Bolivia. So glad to see that we won the order for the Bolivia distributor, which focuses on the procurement of biomedical equipment in Bolivia.

The director found LS-50HD autoclave machines on medwish.com when he googled. He contacted us and sent the specification for the autoclave machines. The LS-50HD autoclaves match all the specifications very well.

50&100L autoclave machines are the best-selling on medwish—Com, which makes medwish pack and ship all the products within one week quickly.

Mewish.com is a comprehensive global b2b marketplace that supplies different types of medical products, not only hospital furniture but also biomedical machines, especially PPE and COVID-19 related diagnostic devices recently.

Contact medwish.com online to find more cases about hospital projects in Bolivia RIGHT NOW!


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