Mayo Stand: How to Choose the Right One at the Best Prices?

Mayo Stand

Mayo stands are vital hospital equipment, especially for surgical needs. However, there are various sizes and models on the market. Aside from surgery, mayo stands also find use in other departments in the hospital or laboratories. 

But how do you find the best mayo stand that fits the surgical room of clinical wards? Also, are there size specifications in each case? If these questions cross your mind, keep reading as we explore mayo stands, their types, and how to choose the right one.

What Is a Mayo Stand?

Mayo stands or instrument stands, are portable platforms used to hold and transfer surgical tools. They are typically mobile with wheels used in the operating theater or in-office. The mayo stand is strategically positioned in the surgical room so surgeons can easily access tools and every assistant in the theater can move freely.

Mayo stands are available in various sizes and models, each serving a unique purpose. For example, a gynecologist's perspective may differ from what a veterinarian would need. Also, you can remove the tray on top to sterilize it. 

Also, there are sterile, and nonsterile mayo stand covers depending on the tray's content. Another exciting feature of the mayo stand is its adjustable height. So healthcare workers can set the mood to a size that suits various procedures. Furthermore, the height in sophisticated models has thumb and foot-initiated height adjustment.

In addition, it is worthy of note that the mayo stand was named after the co-founders of the famous mayo clinic, Dr. Charles H. Mayo and Dr. William J. Mayo.

You can find a mayo stand aside from the operation room in doctor's offices, dental clinics, and possibly hospital wards. 

Benefits of Mayo Stands in Operating Rooms

Mayo stands are versatile and have many benefits. Let's find out below.


Mayo stands are designed to be mobile as they have wheels, which improves convenience and access to tools whenever they are in use. Also, they are compact and, as a result, do not interfere with other equipment in the surgical room or doctor's offices. 

Interestingly, newer models include swivel castors and tiny legs in their designs for easy movement. Also, the wheels should have brakes to suit procedures that require stability.

As mentioned earlier, you can adjust the height of the instrument stand. Standard models have a knob beneath the tray to facilitate adjustments. However, this method is risky, and it's possible to spill the tray's contents. But you achieve this with the foot or thumb in newer models.

Saves space in the surgical room

The Mayo brothers designed this stand to create space in the operating theater such that more medical students could observe various surgical procedures. 

Also, you can adjust the height of the mayo stand and place it beneath hospital beds, facilitating free traffic within the operating room.

Easy to clean

You can easily remove the mayo stand's tray and frame for proper sterilization. Thankfully, most trays and frames are made of stainless steel, making them stain and corrosion-resistant.

Also, you can cover the tray with a suitable stand cover or surgical drapes to preserve its integrity, incredibly when they are sterilized. The mayo stand covers are usually stain-resistant, easy to clean, and available in various sizes.


The mayo stand frame is designed to offer stability, thanks to its weighted base. As a result, the stand is resistant to tripping, provided the required tools are placed on the tray. Also, you can attach some mayo stand models to hospital beds for stability during operation. 

Generally, mayo stands with weighted bases cost more than lighter ones. So the kind of procedure you carry out will determine your choice.

Where Will the Mayo Stand Be Used?

The mayo stand's material determines where it will be used. For example, a chrome stand will find its way into doctors' or matrons' offices or the general clinical environment. Also, you may consider mayo stands with knob adjustment due to their location.

On the other hand, stainless steel mayo stands are best suited for operation rooms because they are easy to clean and corrosion-resistant. Also, due to the nature of the operating theater, it would be best to opt for stands with thumb or foot control.

Generally, the stainless steel versions last longer and are less expensive than the chrome models.

What Size Tray Is Needed?

There are various sizes of mayo stand trays, and your choice depends on the type of procedure carried out and how many tools would be needed. The dimensions are measured in inches, and the four common types in the market include:

12”x 19”

This is the most petite tray for light intervention, where over five tools may be used. The dimension is not fit for the operating room but for doctor's offices and rooms with minimal space. You can find it in the three primary controls, knob, thumb, and foot.

16” x 21”

This is a mid-sized tray and probably the most common. It is suited for minor surgeries where over ten instruments may be used. Also, like the most miniature tray, it's available in the three height controls.

20” x 25”

This larger tray is suited for engaging surgical procedures requiring 20 or more tools. An example is orthopedic surgeries, and this size of mayo stand usually comes with foot control.

30" x 26"

This is the largest model designed to carry as much equipment as possible. It's commonly applied in high-intensity procedures like orthopedic and cardiac surgeries. The tray is not removable, and the base may not necessarily fit beneath the hospital beds.

What Base Style Is Needed?

The three basic base styles are the roll and stay, mobile, and large mobile.

Roll and stay base

This is the most popular base style. It has two casters for mobility and two flat legs for stability. This model usually fits under most surgical room beds.

Mobile base

This has four casters for mobility and doesn't fit beneath most hospital bed bases.

Large mobile base

This base is the largest and most rigid. It is T-shaped and has locking casters for mobility and stability. Also, it doesn't fit beneath most hospital bed bases.

Does the Stand Need to Be Adjusted During the Procedure?

You can adjust the stand to make the procedure more convenient. However, the ease of adjustment varies depending on the type of control.

It is easy for surgical staff to adjust the mayo stand's height with thumb and foot control. With thumb control, the nurse can change from any angle of the operating bed while maintaining the integrity of the sterile drape. The foot control is initiated with a foot pedal; however, the surgical staff must guide the tray for balance.

Another control type is the knob. However, it's not easy to adjust the height with the knob because it's located under the tray and requires the nurse to screw and unscrew it. This may be difficult, especially if the knob is not adequately oiled to reduce friction.

Lastly, the crank control adjusts the mayo stands height via a hand crank. The crank is beneath the sterile drape and requires physical impact to initiate adjustment; this may be challenging during the procedure. 

The Best Top 5 Mayo Stands Online

Stainless Steel Tray Stand Trolley With One Post AG-SS008This AG-SS008 mayo stand is made of 304 stainless steel frame, a perfect requirement for operating rooms and doctors' offices. Its height adjustment is by knob control, and it has four noiseless wheels for mobility and cross brakes for balance during the procedure. The dimension is 660*400*940/1400mm.

  1. AG-SS029 Hospital Tray Stand with Two Posts

AG-SS039 mayo stand is four-wheeled with two posts and two knobs to adjust the height on each position. Also, the wheels have cross brakes for stability. The frame is made of 304 stainless steel with the following dimension 680*460*940/1400mm.

  1. AG-SS029A Stainless Steel Tray Stand With Two Posts

The AG-SS029A instrument stand size is 680*460*940/1400mm. It is made of 304 stainless steel giving it a rigid and corrosion-resistant structure. Also, the height is adjustable with the two knobs on the stands. In addition, it has four wheels with cross brakes.

  1. AG-SS008B Hospital Tray Stand With One Post

The AG-SS008B hospital tray stand has a single post, a 304 stainless steel frame, and a single knob control. Also, it has a role and stays base with the following dimensions 650*400*940/1400mm.

  1. AG-SS008A Hospital Stainless Steel Tray Stand With One Post

The AG-SS008A instrument stand has a single post with knob control. The frame is made of 304 stainless steel, which is rust-resistant and easy to clean. Also, the base style is similar to the T-shape, equipped with four wheels. The dimension is 1400mm*450mm*830mm.


Mayo stands are one of the most sought-after medical equipment as they save space and make healthcare workers' work less stressful with every instrument close at hand. They come in multiple styles with different height adjustment controls. Consider mobility, compactness, cleaning ease, and stability when buying a mayo stand. 

Contact today for your mayo stands and other medical trolleys and equipment. 


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