What Is Durable Medical Equipment?

Durable Medical Equipment

What Is Durable Medical Equipment (DME)?

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any item that can assist a person with a disability, physical or otherwise. It is typically prescribed by a licensed physician and designed to store, support, protect, or position a patient. DME includes mobility aids such as crutches, walkers, and wheelchairs; orthotic devices like prosthetic limbs and braces; and simple items like support cushions and slings. 

While it is mainly used for elderly individuals or those with chronic conditions, anyone can benefit from durable medical equipment. This type of device can improve the quality of life in many ways by providing both convenience and safety to the user.

What Are The Benefits Of Durable Medical Equipment?

Durable medical equipment includes wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, patient lifts, bedside commodes, oxygen tanks, orthotics, and prostheses.

The primary benefit of DME is its ability to improve the quality of life for people with chronic health conditions or mobility issues. It can help individuals recover faster by providing more comfortable and safe movements and increased personal safety at home.

By taking pressure off the body's muscles and joints with supportive devices such as a wheelchair or walker, it relieves pain while allowing greater freedom of mobility, which in turn allows those with disabilities to participate more fully in everyday activities, such as going out to eat with family or participating in recreational activities. 

Besides, using DME often improves one's ability to perform job duties and necessary activities of daily living. Furthermore, it has been proven that access to DME also helps reduce costs for medical services over time due to fewer emergency room visits compared to those without durable medical equipment.

What Are The Types Of DME?

Durable Medical Equipment consists of medical devices used for long-term treatments or monitoring, including crutches to help with mobility; BiPAP machines for sleep apnea treatment; hearing aids for better auditory function; and wheelchairs and scooters for those with limited mobility. 

Some Durable Medical Equipment is designed to help patients perform daily tasks such as getting dressed or bathing, while others are meant exclusively for diagnostic tests like X-rays and CT scans. Durable Medical Equipment includes medications and supplies that can last at least three months, such as bandages and IV fluids. 

Many forms of DME today come from advanced technology, such as mobile ventilators, insulin pens, and wearable blood pressure monitors. It can be a significant blessing for patients needing extra assistance these specialized equipment can provide.

What Is The Difference Between Adaptive Equipment And Durable Medical Equipment?

Adaptive and durable medical equipment is specialized equipment designed to help individuals with disabilities perform everyday tasks more efficiently. 

The critical difference between the two is that adaptive equipment typically assists with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating. In contrast, DME supports individuals in more specific ways, such as providing wheelchair assistance or stabilizing orthopedic injuries. 

Adaptive equipment tends to be multi-purpose and less complex than durable medical equipment. However, both can significantly improve a person's quality of life.

Regardless of the type of support they provide, adaptive and durable medical equipment are essential to help people with disabilities achieve independence.

Tips For Buying Durable Medical Equipment

When buying a DME, researching and knowing the product you want to buy is essential. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your purchase:

  • Consult a licensed healthcare professional about which specific item is needed for your condition
  • Research products online, as well as speak with experts in the field to know why you need it
  • Read customer reviews and compare features from different manufacturers
  • Look for certifications of quality from accredited organizations
  • Ensure a warranty is provided if you decide to buy something costly
  • See if there are any terms or conditions regarding repairs or maintenance costs
  • Find out if any special training or safety guidelines need to be followed when using the product
  • Investigate alternative financing options, such as leasing or various payment plans
  • Ask friends and family if they have any personal recommendations based on their own experiences
  • Ensure that the company selling you the goods provides excellent support in case of issues with the product.

Where To Buy Durable Medical Equipment?

As medical needs become increasingly complex, DME becomes integral to a complete medical treatment plan. Finding a reliable and affordable DME can be quite a tricky task.

Fortunately, Medwish.com is here to make the task much simpler and easier for you. With a long list of top-rated products from trusted brands, Medwish.com offers a great collection at the most reasonable prices. It is a medical marketplace for suppliers and buyers worldwide to sell and buy medical equipment for hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities.

With their fast delivery services and friendly customer service staff, it's no wonder why many customers return for their DME purchases. So, check out Medwish.com the next time you are looking for durable medical equipment.


Durable medical equipment helps people with various disabilities and health conditions. The key benefits of DME are that it improves the quality of life, provides independence, and makes daily activities easier. 

There are many different types of DME to suit each individual's needs. When choosing DME, it is crucial to consider the person's condition, lifestyle, and home environment. Before buying, it is essential to research the product, find a reputable dealer, and try out the equipment before purchase. 

Besides, durable medical equipment can be bought from online retailers or brick-and-mortar stores specializing in adaptive equipment. If you want the best durable medical equipment, there is no better option than Medwish.com.


Here are some frequently asked questions!

Which Product Can Be Qualified As Durable Medical Equipment Quizlet?

DME is designed for long-term use and should be high quality to meet the user's needs. To be considered DME, it must be certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe and effective for at least three years of use or up to 30 days of rental. 

What Does DME Mean In Medical Terms?

DME, or Durable Medical Equipment, is an integral part of healthcare. It refers to any item a doctor wants a patient to use at home for medical purposes. DME includes wheelchairs, canes, oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, and glucose monitors. 

How Can I Get Durable Medical Equipment Online?

Finding durable medical equipment online is easier than ever. With Medwish.com, you can quickly get all the necessary medical equipment. It offers an extensive range of collections, from manual wheelchairs to hospital beds. With their reassuring customer service and secure purchasing options, purchasing durable medical equipment has never been more convenient.


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