Electric Obstetric Bed PLGYN-004

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Electric Obstetric Bed PLGYN-004 1. PLGYN-004 electric delivery bed up-down, back up-down, seat section up-down(or Trendelenburg and revers-Trendelenburg) are all controlled by imported motors. 2. The mattress is a seamless foaming pad, which is beautiful and easy for clean. 3. The leg...

Electric Obstetric Bed PLGYN-004

1. PLGYN-004 electric delivery bed up-down, back up-down, seat section up-down(or Trendelenburg and revers-Trendelenburg) are all controlled by imported motors.

2. The mattress is a seamless foaming pad, which is beautiful and easy for clean.

3. The leg board can be opened at 90°, which is convenient for operation.

4. The foot controller is a standard configuration.

5. All the covers, table top, basin are all made of stainless steel 304#, which is convenient for cleaning and disinfection.

6. The examination light is optional, which can be used for gynecology examinations.

Main Specification

Length/Width: 1900mm/600mm
Height: 600mm-900mm
Trendelenburg/ Revers Trendelenburg: ≥20°/≥20°
Back Section Up /Down: ≥70°/≥10°
Leg section opened: ≥90°
Load Capacity: 250kg

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